
NYP Fusion Show....Confusion.....

-I got lost-
The show started around 6pm and the opening ceremony
was at 7pm. Yes..I was late, rushing into the door
while seeing familiar faces and lecturers having various
chit chat sessions, I did a few waves and hi's before i went
in to the theatre. I familiar place I once entered,
The same space, same crowds, same amount of people...
but different feelings..Anyway....it was an interesting crowd
with lots of "Wah..and Wah...." generated by the students...
at least it didsn't seemed as stress as my year...or was it stress??
I only remember being embarrassed when they flash through the
project works i was invovled in...lolx...
come to think of it...why did i think that way??
hahaha... well...
thats for me to know...
I shouldn't comment on the fusion show...
i got a little confuse over judging on things.
I mean..students are still different than industry professionals...
and .....well...what can we all say...I've seen too much grad shows
though i kept a positive look out at the booths.
What disappoints me was...well...the very fact that...hmmm...
it always doesn't seemed robust..(is that the word?? freak...
im really poor at expressing...) I should say erm....There doesn't seemed
like enthusisam(i sux @ spelling) in both the market industry guys and
both the students..I dunno..maybe its just me..I always get it that way..
thus...I'm becoming more...confused...lolx...
Nevertheless...at least these group of guys have a fusion grad show
...my batch only had an online show...bahahahhahahah............
I still think the online show itself is enough.....
ok...nuff said...
I need sleep....Bahhhhh
anyway...below are two funny clips...
one of it contributed by my friend...lolx....interesting...
FF Spoof

old school nintendo revolution

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