
Mor3 Mor3 M0R3 !!!

In a couple of minutes, I'm gonna shut down my home PC
which has been working so hard....
(I'm going down to NYP to my juniors' grad show...
nope..i dun know anyone and not that i care but....
I mean i do till certain extend...i just wanna check out
what kinda standard has the school came to and...
just wanna give myself a break from all this drawing...)
Come to think of it...
I feel bad for this little baby... It took a hell lot of money out of
both my brother and I....
we kept updating it now and then and everytime...
it just keeps breaking down ;because we sorta pros* it too much??
Anyhow...I still am using it for like....30 hours every two days??
But compare to other freaks...( yeah..I know alot of you crazy monkeys
out there who onz it for a month....JJ is one of them
...hell he doesn't read this space anyway...-__-)
I'm just not spoiling my PC enough..bahhhahah....
okie..its not funny when it crashes...
I took a look at my webby today...I mean..my blog?
Its been 2 years...since i commission till now. I can't believe it.
And inbetween, I kept thinking of closing it down...so close...
but hell i didn't....so...i'm gonna try to update it regularly again...
not with photos anymore...these days i've been posting work...
and i guess from today on...all the work would be rough boards/finishes
since i'm targeting at coming out with a book...i mean
i can't show all the pages online right? it doesn't freaking make sense....
so without futher waiting...heres the title of the next short i'm working on.
Its rough boards are almost finish...this one gonna be 4 pages and erm...yes...
like always..all my short strips are in color...
I'm still gonna keep it that way. Its almost done..
I really can't wait to finish this one...cos theres a hell lot others
i need to start converting over to digital.
(I know nobody really is interested in this shit...but anyway...
I'm posting all this work for self-motivation be it you like it or not...
but I really hope all of you do...)

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