
April's Fool

Today marks the beginning of a new month. But how I had wished that what I heard
during a meeting we had today was all an April Fool's joke.
Sad to say, it ain't.
So once again, I thought I would be back home during early April.
Thats all gonna change. Looks like I won't be back till late April or worst;
early May.....
There much paper work and administrative issues to be settled right now.
Till then, I won't be drawing much or posting much.
Happy things that did happened during March

During a visit to Agra last week, ( the famous Taj Mahal)
It was quite a sight to see CHAN BROTHERS tour group.
And guess what? Chen Li Ping was there filming the
show "我的导游是明星"
I should be caught on action in the local variety show due
to air in end April??

1 comment:

疯? said...

me change blog le.. www.joosplash.blogspot.com. =)