
~~ComMissioNING BaLL~~


HAHA, guess you guys saw the design for the invitation card, booklet and also the banner ba.....yes, all done by me, not including the multi media video cd which was shown today....lots of things...... and I was the MC...wahhaha...but i think the other MC did better today...im just holding a small role.....


I must say, today sure is an enjoyable nite, the games and stuff, everyone laughed and chat throughout the event. The main thing that i felt was bad, probably the meal itself...the dinner reaLLy SUX... ANyhow, very happy for my fellow bunkmate, BENNY, congraDUTES OHHHH..... he actually ASked his date to be his girlfriend on one of the games.....very touching....everyone was cheering for him, and the lady answered immediately with a yes.......I knew he had planned for today very long le......very glad that he got his dream girl, on top of that, he won most of the prices today, very lucky man. I would say he was the biggest winner.

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