
Aug 29tH

10:20p.m. SUNDAY
Hmmm...just finish painting that little toy down there....took a few hours...so long since i really sit down and work, getting old i guess...hahahah. Nothing in particular, just feel like painting some small cutie which seems dangerous....the color usage, Red; power and energy. The mood portray is somehow....wierd i guess, i will have to stop looking at it for awhile, i guess the mistakes will stop coming out after awhile.
Ok, for the benefit of the doubt, p.m. stands for post meridian. How i know? lolx, i asked my men about it. And i think a.m stands for anti meridian....not very sure also. Been a refreshing week, things changing and next week will be the impost of the 5 day weeK...wahahha....., actually it also means they will try to squeeze everything in this 5 weekdays. -___- ... thats what they always do.
Yup, i was there today, got myself a blue tooth adapter for my handphone, now the uploading of medias to my pc will be much easier. Hiak Hiak Hiak, it cost only $39 for a 100 metre range blue tooth adapter. Ho eh.....
Looking Forward to next week, having a long weekEnd...hiak hiak hiak...

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