
StresS out

Seems like work is always never ending...
didnt get to sleep much last night...can you imagine?
My weekends are always so pack...and with NDP, its gonna get tighter...
now i still have to compile my portfolio again for accessment....
this is getting nuts....why can't we just have 10 days per week?
lolx...im getting naive again...
Can't believe I finally finish ATEC.
happy indeed, my performance of my whole vocation.
We should be seeing high scores.
Last night, my men jio me warcraft...in the end also never play,
i was too tired and they didnt reply also, perhaps in the days to come,
we will indeed be playing together. Hopefully I can organised another outing
It comes up to every weekend we will have to be at TUAs, doing all those
rehearsals...I will try to put up some photos, since end day,
My people will put up a NDP video of the Mobile Column.
SO really, if you guys wanna catch the mobile column this year,
it will drive pass to Yishun, Jurong and Tampiness. It comes up to
15 waves including most of the units. Its pretty much a stressful events...
at least for the first few rehearsals... I wonder why my CO is such a high flyer.
But too bad, some of his commanders cant really work. Theres only a dedicated
few whos willing to finsih their job, and because of this dedicated few,
men do not suffer.
Hope some of the other people realy wake up in life,
dun they have a heart?
Soon this blog page will change, Its almost going 1 year old. I'm either
looking at a revamp or opening another one for a 2nd year start.
Probably this space will be dedicated towards artwork rather than
all my nonsense. Lolx....And talking about that....I'm getting more and
more lost touch in work.
This is so stress...but nevermind...all my offs are coming soon.
Hiak hiak hiak

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