
PlayStatioN 3

As hard as i refuse to believe, I bought a Playstation 3 today.
But since its 12 am now, i would have to say i bought it
yesterday. I told myself last year that i would buy a nintendo
Wii if given the chance and would swear never to get a PS3
due to sony's lack of creativeness recently and the much
hyed DS. (In case you are wondering, I own both a psp and
dslite, not because im rich. But because i choose to own them)
After thinking for awhile and since my brother love it
so much, I bought it for him as his advance birthday present.
I haven got the time to take pictures, but its really
quite awesome. You can think of it as a father psp set
drilled for TV. Once on, the main screen resembles the
usual PSP interface and you can start roaming around
surfing net ( only if you get the wi-fi 60 gig set, else
you have to use cables to go online) plugging mp3s
into your system, photos, and videos. Awesome shit.
You can even download motor storm and test play
it on your PS3 without buying the game itself. I got
two controller and they are both wireless enabled.
But you sorta need to charge them and it won't be too
long. Theres this middle button with a PS logo that you
can press and hold which will pop up the data screen
of how fully charge is your controller. You can do this
anytime during gameplay and its very cool to hear the
bg game still running on. There is a possibilty of seeting
up to 8 wireless players at any one time. Both of us tested
the game "resistance" and it was very cool playing 2
players campign. Though our room TV was small, we
manage to squeeze some fun out of the split screen with
my mum watching and laughing at two big kids trying to
play a first person shooter tag watching each other's
ass for aliens. ITS REALLY VERY COOL. Right now is
extremely late and tomorrow i'll be grabbing the game
GENJI. Till then, i'll try to
pop some photos in here.

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